ࡱ> lpijk~a tbjbjڥڥ LR\R\14M     4448ld4_|#"###$$$^^^^^^^qa'dp^Y K%$$K%K%^  ##u_***K%F # #^*K%^**22Xb\#P:%Y.^_0_YndC&2d\b\d b\$$*$ $$$$^^u($$$_K%K%K%K%d$$$$$$$$$> : SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE ADDITIONAL STOCKFREE STANDARDS There are 54 SOS Stockfree standards that are IN ADDITION to the USDA National Organic Program standards that you must comply with in order to obtain approval to use the Stockfree-Organic symbol. The questions relate solely to the holding you have registered with your certifier and not to your personal circumstances or other land that you have not registered. Place a tick in the no or yes column and follow the instructions. Guidance is in green. Section of SOS Stockfree-Organic Standards Number  NO Continue to next question YES ( FOLLOW UP ACTIONS  FOLLOW UP ACTIONS Conversion periods Have you been registered with an USDA NOP organic certifier for 24 months?  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      For  yes please continueKeeping of animals on the registered holding11.1Are there animals kept for food production or commercial gain? Food production includes raising livestock for meat, dairy or egg products. Commercial gain includes keeping animals for their fur, wool, racing or breeding. The inspector will look for evidence of animal housing. The standards do not cover the keeping of companion or rescue animals.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       Please contact QCS1.3Do you / will you grow animal fodder or bedding litter for animals? The inspector will check that cereals / pulses are grown for human consumption. The inspector will check that any hay, straw or sawdust that is being grown or made on the holding is used for mulching and not for livestock bedding.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       Please contact QCSMain sources of fertility  restricted 3.43.4(a) Do you use green waste / municipal compost made outside your holding? If  yes describe its production process here. What safeguards are there to ensure it is animal and contaminant free?  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Please provide an explanation !3.4(b)Do you use leafmold made from fall leaves that were collected from outside your holding? If  yes please describe the collection process here.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !3.4(c)Do you use plant-based compost from ungrazed upland meadows? If  yes please describe any alternatives that might be available here.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !3.4(d)Do you use plant-based compost, hays or straws from conventional / chemical farming? If  yes please describe any alternatives that might be available here.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !3.4(e)Do you use any plant wastes and by-products, from food processing industries e.g. spent hops? If  yes please describe any alternatives that might be available here.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !3.4(f)Do you use seaweed as a main source of fertility? If  yes please describe the collection process and possibility of any nearby sources of contamination e.g. a nuclear power station.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !Main sources of fertility - prohibited3.53.5(a)  Do you use any product of animal or fish origin? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please contact QCS3.5(b)Do you / will you use manures, slurry or urine from any animals as a main source of fertility? Manures from animals that are legitimately on the registered holding (e.g. rescue animals or companion animals) cannot be used for fertility.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please contact QCS3.5 (c)Do you / will you use worm compost (made from wormeries)? These are prohibited because the brandling worms cannot survive in soil. Saturated / mismanaged compost heaps that contain brandling worms do not constitute a deliberate wormery.   FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please cease this practiceSupplementary nutrients - restricted5.4(a)Do you use sulfate of potash? Please send soil analysis showing that exchangeable K levels are below index 2 (100mg/litre) and clay content is less than 20%.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide supporting evidence 5.4(b)Do you use sulfur? If  yes please describe justification.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !5.4(c)Do you use calcium chlorine? If  yes please describe justification.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !5.4(e)Do you use natural rock potash? If  yes please describe justification.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !Supplementary nutrients - prohibited5.5(a)Do you / will you use any animal by-product of livestock or fish origin for supplementary nutrient purposes? The inspector will check for products like blood, fish, bone and fish emulsion. This is particularly relevant where such products have traditionally been used e.g. long season tomatoes and perennial crops. If the only animal inputs are in propagating composts please consult standard 6.3(c) and place a tick in the NO column.Please contact QCS5.5(b)Do you use any of the following? nitrochalk, Chilliean nitrate, urea, muriate of potash, potassium chloride, superphosphates, kanite and fibrophos  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice5.5(d)Do you use calcified seaweed? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practicePropagation - restricted 6.36.3 (c)Are you / will you use commercially available propagating composts containing animal inputs before 31st December 2009? After this date these will become prohibited. The inspector will check the purchase log and field records.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      A one-year restricted practice form will be sent. Approval will need to be produced at inspection.Are you / will you be spreading new or left-over commercially available propagating composts containing animal inputs allowed UNDER RESTRICTION on greenhouse, polytunnel or field soils?  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       Please cease this practiceGenetic engineering contamination8.28.2(f)Are genetically engineered crops are being grown within a six-mile radius of a registered holding?   FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please contact QCSEnvironmental conservation - restricted9.79.7(a)Do you / will you remove any hedgerows, banks or ditches? If  yes please describe justification.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !9.7(b)Do you / will you clear fell any woodland? If  yes please describe justification.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !9.7(c)Do you / will you fell any mature trees that are not endangering safety? If  yes please describe justification.  FORMTEXT         FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !Environmental conservation - prohibited9.89.8(a)Do you hedge trim, tree fell, ditch or dyke clear in the bird nesting season?  FORMTEXT      78BDEIRS]fhiqrtuy+ @ E N S ۻ۰ۻ{ۻۻpe{ZOhkhKDOJQJhkh/:dOJQJhiwhyOJQJhiwhvnOJQJh/:dOJQJhiwh'0/5OJQJhVh'0/5OJQJhV5OJQJhVhV5OJQJhiwh'0/OJQJhVOJQJhAOJQJh@OJQJh#AQOJQJhiwhKDOJQJhKDCJOJQJhKD56CJOJQJ\]78  D X Z h j l n t   $$Ifa$ $Ifgd| $$Ifa$gd5 $$Ifa$ & Fgdiw & FS u    X Z h j l n t ǼreUI=eUhKDCJOJQJ^Jh|CJOJQJ^Jh|hKD5CJOJQJ^Jh|5CJOJQJ^JhA5CJOJQJ\^JhKD5CJOJQJ\^Jh55CJOJQJ\^JhKDCJOJQJhiwhOJQJhOJQJhhiwOJQJhiwhKDB*OJQJphhkhKDOJQJhkhDI=B*OJQJphhkhKDB*OJQJpht    . 6 8 : < > @ ıĠym\VymJm>mhACJOJQJ^JhBC*CJOJQJ^J hkCJ hthkCJOJQJ^JaJhkCJOJQJ^Jhk5CJOJQJ\^J h CJ#h|hKD5CJOJQJ^JaJ hthKDCJOJQJ^JaJ% jh|hKD5CJOJQJ^Jh|hKD5CJOJQJ^Jh|5CJOJQJ^JhKDCJOJQJ^J#h|hKD5CJOJQJ^JaJ  . 0 2 =4+4 $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl4ֈ{ \ L,81$6; 00<4 layt52 4 6 8 : < > @  * ^ Ff $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$      & ( * ^ ` R ˯}wbPbPbPb#h}IB*CJOJQJ^JaJph3f)h8vh8vB*CJOJQJ^JaJph3f h CJ hthKDCJOJQJ^JaJhKDCJOJQJ^JhKD5CJOJQJ\^J hkCJ hthkCJOJQJ^JaJjhTvUhkCJOJQJ^JjhTvUmHnHujhTvUhTvjhTvUhBC*^ `  $$Ifa$gdBC*kd$$Iflֈ{ \ L,81$6; 00<4 lap<yt5 R  $$Ifa$gdBC* $$Ifa$gd%# $$Ifa$gdBC*$ & F$Ifa$gd5p$ & F$Ifa$gd8vFf' $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$LNsbTC hthKDCJOJQJ^JaJhBC*CJOJQJ^JaJ hth%#CJOJQJ^JaJ hth;;CJOJQJ^JaJj hBC*UhKDCJOJQJ^JjhBC*UmHnHuj4 hBC*UjhBC*UhBC*)h5ph5pB*CJOJQJ^JaJph3f)h5phGB*CJOJQJ^JaJph3f)h5ph8vB*CJOJQJ^JaJph3f P>2&2 $$Ifa$gd@ $$Ifa$gd@kd $$Iflֈ{ \ L,81$6; 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FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice9.8(c)Do you plough species-rich meadows?  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice9.8(d)Do you drain areas of significant wildlife value?  FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice9.8 (e)Do you exploit peat bogs? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice9.8 (f)Do you damage or disturb the nesting and roosting sites of owls, bats and other protected species? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice9.8(g)Do you use wood preservatives that are harmful to bats and other wildlife on buildings or fence posts? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practiceWeed control - prohibited10.410.4(a)Do you use any herbicides even soap-based ones? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practiceDisease, mollusc and insect pest control - prohibited11.311.3(a)Do you use any synthetic biocide? The inspector will check purchase records and P&D records. FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(b) Do you / will you use any biocide based on an animal derivative? The inspector will check purchase records and P&D records. FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(c)Do you / will you steam sterilise soils? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(d)Do you / will you use hypochlorite-based disinfectants for sterilising buildings and equipment? The inspector will check purchase records and the cleaning log / schedule  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(e)Do you / will you use copper sulphate, copper oxychloride or copper ammonia carbonate? The inspector will check purchase records and P&D records. The inspector will want to know what is used for blight control (if applicable).  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(f)Do you / will you use nicotine? The inspector will check purchase records and P&D records. FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice 11.3(g)Do you use formaldehyde and phenols? The inspector will check purchase records and P&D records. FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(h)Do you use methyl bromide and other chemical soil sterilisers? The inspector will check purchase records and P&D records. FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice11.3(j)Do you / will you use beeswax pruning agent? The inspector will check purchase records.   FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please cease this practiceCompeting birds and mammals  Prohibited 12.312.3(a)Do you / will you kill animals in the name of sport? The inspector will check that you have signed the Shooting, poisoning and cruel sports declaration.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please contact QCS12.3 (b)Do you / will you poison animals? The inspector will check that you have signed the Shooting, poisoning and cruel sports declaration. The inspector will check purchase records to ensure that no poisons e.g. rat poison have been purchased.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please contact QCS12.3 (c)Do you / will you shoot animals? The inspector will check that you have signed the Shooting, poisoning and cruel sports declaration.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please contact QCSHarvesting and storage - prohibited13.8 13.8 (b)Will you use waxing products on fruit or vegetables? The inspector will check purchase records. FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practice13.8 (e)Will you allow contamination by the combustion products of the fuels used for crop drying ? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practicePackaging  restricted 14.914.9(a)Do you use PVC films free from additional plasticisers? If  yes please describe justification.   FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !14.9(b)Do you use metal foils? If  yes please describe justification.   FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Please provide an explanation !Packaging  prohibited14.1014.10 (a)Do you use expanded polystyrene made with CFCs? FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Please cease this practiceLabelling for box schemes 15.515.5(a)For box schemes who buy in non-stockfree produce: Will you be using a notice at point(s) of collection or sale to indicate which products conform to the Stockfree Standards? The use of notices rather than individually labelling produce is to save administrative time. The inspector will ask about how the consumer is notified that produce attains the stockfree-organic symbol. The inspector will check examples of labelling, sales and marketing literature.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      A five-year restricted practice form will be sent. Approval will need to be produced at inspection.15.5 (b)For box schemes who buy in non-stockfree produce: Will you be informing customers via a newsletter that for a given month the following crops will conform to the Stockfree production standards? The use of newsletters rather than individually labelling produce is to save administrative time. The inspector will ask about how the consumer is notified that produce attains the stockfree-organic symbol. The inspector will check examples of labelling, sales and marketing literature.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      A five-year restricted practice form will be sent. Approval will need to be produced at inspection.     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