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Signed by:  FORMTEXT      _____________________________________________________ Name (printed):  FORMTEXT      _________________________________________________ Date: FORMTEXT      ____________________________________________Declaration. All applicants must sign this declaration I/ We hereby declare that: All the information supplied in this application is, to the best of my / our knowledge, accurate and that all relevant information has been supplied. I / we have full management control of all the land detailed in this application. I / we have read and understood the SOS Stockfree-Organic standards and agree to comply with all the standards relevant to my / our operation, including any updates that are published in the SOS bulletin. I / we will allow Quality Certification Services inspectors, their accreditation bodies, and other authorised personnel full access to my / our operation and relevant documents during normal working hours, in order that they can check compliance with the SOS Stockfree-Organic production standards. Inspection visits will normally be arranged at a mutually convenient time, but they may also be made without notice. I / we will provide any information requested by the inspector and certification staff in order for an accurate assessment of my / our operation to be made. I / we understand that STOCKFREE-ORGANIC SERVICES and Quality Certification Services will treat all information in the strictest of confidence. I / we will provide allow Quality Certification Services inspectors or other authorised personnel to take samples (for example soil, grain, plant material) from the holding, and pass these onto third parties for testing. I / we understand that Quality Certification Services will treat all the information in the strictest of confidence. I / we will comply fully with the labelling requirements in the conversion period / labelling section and section 15 of the SOS Stockfree-Organic production standards when referring to organic production, or when using the STOCKFREE-ORGANIC symbol on any packaging or marketing literature. I / we understand that the STOCKFREE-ORGANIC symbol is a trademark and must only be used in association with a valid certificate of registration issued by STOCKFREE-ORGANIC SERVICES. I / we will ensure that the STOCKFREE-ORGANIC symbol is not used in a misleading manner, and is only portrayed in accordance with published guidelines. I / we will ensure that all packaging clearly states my / our name, address or other means of identification and whenever I / we use the STOCKFREE-ORGANIC symbol we will clearly indicate the trademark with our licence number. I / will also be prepared to send sample copies of packaging to STOCKFREE-ORGANIC SERVICES. I / we acknowledge that it is an offence under USDA National Organic Program and amending regulations, to market any product as Organic or make reference to Organic production methods unless I / we hold a valid certificate of registration for that product. I / we indemnify STOCKFREE-ORGANIC SERVICES against any claim or proceedings relating to any misrepresentation made by myself / ourselves rising from the sale of produce sold under the STOCKFREE-ORGANIC symbol, and against any liability, loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from such a sale, howsoever caused. I / we understand the requirements and obligations of my / our certification with STOCKFREE-ORGANIC SERVICES. I / we are aware that any breach of the SOS Stockfree-Organic standards could lead to the termination of my / our licence. Where corrective action is required in order for my / our licence to be issued / renewed I / we agree to undertake this corrective action to verify compliance with the SOS Stockfree-Organic standards. I / we also accept that if additional inspections are required to demonstrate compliance with the SOS Stockfree-Organic standards these may be at my / our expense. I / we will pay all licensing fees, as published by STOCKFREE-ORGANIC SERVICES, in accordance with its terms of business. If I / we wish to discontinue certification at any time, I / we undertake to provide written notice at least three months before the certificate expiry date. If adequate notice is not provided, I / we understand that I / we may be liable to pay the annual licensing fee for the following year. Signed by:  FORMTEXT      ____________________________________________________ Name (printed):  FORMTEXT      _______________________________________________ Date: FORMTEXT      ________________________________________________________ Disclaimer QCFNr t v   ѿzm`SC1"hsFhj6>*CJOJQJaJhsFhj6>*CJOJQJhc6>*CJOJQJhj6>*CJOJQJhsFh_CJOJQJh$h_>*CJOJQJ#jh$h$>*UmHnHujh$h$>*Uh$h$>*jh$h$>*U"hsFh_5>*CJOJQJaJ"hsFhj5>*CJOJQJaJhf6>*CJOJQJhsFh_6>*CJOJQJ0t $If $$Ifa$gd$ $$Ifa$gdsF  <           $$Ifa$gdsF$a$gdjhkdt$$Ifl** t0644 laytsF   : ; <      $ & ( ` r`PB2h;56CJOJQJ\]hsFhj6CJOJQJhsFhj6>*CJOJQJ"h$hj5>*CJOJQJaJ#jh$h$>*UmHnHujh$h$>*Uh$h$>*jh$h$>*U"hsFhv@5>*CJOJQJaJ"hsFhj5>*CJOJQJaJ"hsFhj6>*CJOJQJaJhf6>*CJOJQJaJ"hsFhc6>*CJOJQJaJ " $ & ( ,.0||||s $Ifgd $IfgdXN5$Ifhkd]$$Ifl** t0644 laytsF $$Ifa$gdsF `  r t H\lt,.ymaUUUKhXN5CJOJQJhXN5CJOJQJaJh4CJOJQJaJh&CJOJQJaJh)[mCJOJQJaJhfCJOJQJaJhXN5hXN5CJOJQJaJhf56CJOJQJ\]h456CJOJQJ\]h&56CJOJQJ\]h 56CJOJQJ\]h;56CJOJQJ\]h)[m56CJOJQJ\].BDFZ\^hj .2ڶګ󡑂vg[gh)[mCJOJQJaJhH[h4CJOJQJaJhfCJOJQJaJhH[h;CJOJQJaJh;56CJOJQJ\]h;CJOJQJjhUjFhUjhUmHnHujhUhjhUh5CJOJQJ\hXN55CJOJQJ\#02@m0op  & F$If$If`kd.$$Ifl**064 la1a3;? |Rlp):%(FJAE: L T !hH[h CJOJQJaJ(hH[h;56CJOJQJ\]aJh)[mCJOJQJaJhH[h4CJOJQJaJhH[h&CJOJQJaJhfCJOJQJaJhH[h;CJOJQJaJ9 !!v"x" #"####G?H?I?J?vqgdP)`kd$$Ifl**064 la$$If^a$gd3d $Ifgd_ b$If  & F$If !!!!!!!" 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PLEASE RETURN WITH THIS APPLICATION FORM:  FORMCHECKBOX  A copy of your latest Quality Certification Services licence certificate.  FORMCHECKBOX  The Shooting, poisoning and cruel sports declaration.  FORMCHECKBOX  Payment techniques. REMEMBER TO KEEP A COPY OF THIS APPLICATION FORM AS YOU WILL BE INSPECTED ON THE BASIS OF IT.     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